Governor Cuomo plans to introduce a bill to toughen existing laws prohibiting drivers from texting or use of portable electronic devices while driving. The bill closes loopholes and adds stricter penalties for distracted driving, which contributes to more than 10,000 crashes per year in New York state.
Cuomo issued a statement on the bill: “Every day, countless drivers, particularly teenagers and young adults, drive with their eyes on a screen rather than the road,” said Cuomo. “Current warnings, educational programs, and driving laws aren’t working. We need to impose a true deterrent to stop people from driving while using an electronic device and to keep our roads and citizens safe.”
New York’s existing law on texting while driving passed in 2009. The biggest perceived weakness in the existing law is a provision that makes distracted driving a “secondary offense,” meaning a traffic ticket for texting while driving will not be issued unless the driver had been pulled over for another infraction. A discussion of the current texting law and how it differs from the current cell phone law (which is not a “secondary offense”) can be found here: Texting While Driving and Cell Phone Tickets
The Cuomo bill would make distracted driving a primary offense, increase the number of points the violation carries from two to three, and mandate education on the dangers of distracted driving as part of the NY defensive driving curriculum.
The bill does not go as far as some would like it to: ban cell phone use while driving altogether, hands free or not.
In related news, NY representative Carolyn McCarthy has introduced national legislation regarding cell phone use while driving.
We have organized a statewide network of attorneys. In our network are both attorneys who work for Feifer & Greenberg and attorneys who work for other firms that regularly provide of-counsel representation to our clients. This statewide network allows us to match clients in a particular county or court with local attorneys who regularly appear on similar matters in the same county or court. It enables us to help clients anywhere in New York State and in our opinion provide particularly effective and affordable representation for our clients. Local attorneys can draw on their particular local experiences and, with travel time and expense removed from the equation, help us keep our legal fees low.
We recommend fighting almost all tickets. Even if the current NY traffic tickets aren’t particularly harmful, you have an incentive to keep your record clean for the future. Convictions quickly lead to surcharges, insurance increases and other complications. You should strongly consider any decision to pay a ticket without fighting.
Our lawyers are experienced, prepared attorneys who understand the nuances of fighting traffic tickets. Experience, preparation and good decision making help us to help our clients avoid points, surcharges, insurance increases and the other negatives that can easily result from a traffic ticket.
Feifer & Greenberg, LLP, 15 Maiden Lane, Suite 508, New York, NY 10038, (888) 842-5384
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